I have been using this map for 7 years, working through my own patterns, applying it to all my relating, and integrating it into my work. This is what makes Taoism so different than other religions. In other words, it does not lay out a path for you to followit is the path. Photographs by Serhii Korovayny for The Wall Street Journal Nov. 1, 2022 We are not here to please each other in the desperate hope to be loved, to be accepted, to be good enough, to be important. Pay attention to this energy. Dancing. Get on the waiting list to be the first to hear. Signs Of Masculine Energy Imbalance In A Nutshell: Perpetrator Aggressive Controlling Withdrawn Too competitive Critical Cold/ distant Masculine energy does things. Being able to embody each of these energies in their purest form in the unique way they manifest through you, is key to living your full potential as a being and going beyond the polarities and knowing yourself as a soul. One of the most common questions that I get asked is: How do I boost testosterone levels? Why do I get asked this question so, If there is any body part that just screams alpha male, it would have to be the shoulders. You lost me when you said Ryan Goslings eyes were all fucked up. The Light Masculine is more common and far more accepted and accessible in todays society than his Dark Brother. The power of positive and negative (light and dark, masculine and feminine, respectively) fluctuate in influence over the ages. On the greater level, entire planets and star systems with all their beings can be used to accumulate the power needed for further cosmic expansion.The main means to achieve this goals are advanced technology and artificial intelligence. Darkness is also understood as the lack of light of awareness, equivalent to ignorance. Most people talk or think without actually bothering to learn. The other side of the shadow expression is the result of repression or rejection of this energy, leading to not being able to access this energy (enough or barely), in your life. DoesRyan Gosling ever seem ashamed of his personality, or insecure? Think of masculine energy like it's a charging bull. Yang is the light sideit is assertive, active, and analytical. I am still on this road and this is one of the reasons why I want to assistin this longer version of the intensive, to go deeper. The purpose of these groups is to share what is coming up for you, go into practices together, and support each other. Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. As mentioned in my earlier article on The dark Side of Femininity, feminine energy has both a dark and a light dimension. Aspects of our being that are unconscious or repressed, and yet are affecting or even guiding our behavior. Immature masculine operates through secret organizations and secret programs, based on hundreds of degrees of initiation, where only a few people know the true goals of their existence. Im so tired of men being shamed for being too much or not enough. . Light and Dark Feminine: A Quick Contrast by Renee Wade 102 75 144 Like many women, youre probably wondering about what light and dark feminine energy is. This vast difference in goals is what trenched common masculine traits in a dark light. If you want to understand masculine energy, think of a charging bull. Hades also holds space for us during the darkest hours of our lives, through depression, grief, paralysing anxieties, and our experiences with death. It's time we each play our part, and do something about it! In other words, light cannot exist without darkness, and darkness cannot exist without lightthey are one in the same; two sides of the same coin. It is about energy and how it manifests. All of me wants to support that to happen sooner rather than later! . This second layer of experience consists of the elements that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its how you can cultivate that vibe, or energy that women intuitively pick up on, and are drawn to like a magnet. To maintain the energy in between Modules, Taki'h will be offering 1 bonus session per week, and her 2 male assistants (who have already completed The Cross work) will be offering an additional 1-2 sessions per week, throughout the 3 month journey. The masculine energy from Black Onyx helps dispel the darkness and negativity so that you can envision a new path forward into the light. Both female characters are decidedly feminine but in different ways. Each quadrant is an expression of Power and Love. A man whos masculine. Here are a few examples of the traits of masculine energy: Logical + left-brained Action oriented toward an end goal Physical strength + using of brute force Seeking self-mastery Introspective Protective Competitive In constant motion Needing to constantly "do" Seeking material possessions as a marker of success Penetrative sx is only one aspect of eroticism dont limit yourself to just that. Is it dictated by circumstances? He owns his balls and he holds himself up to a High Standard.If you are not familiar with your own dark masculine it may be that it is hiding behind the nice guy (or girl because women can also have a powerful dark masculine).Being a nice guy is a product of being told that your power is not welcome because it is dangerous So you spend much of your life trying to get approval of your parents, represented by people around you.Power indeed can be dangerous, if we dont have the heart and the consciousness to use it in a truthful way.Yet, until we awaken to our Power we are destined to live in chains of conditioning.When the Dark masculine is integrated in his full power he cannot help but seed the world with Love. The philosophers' stone is actualized when the opposites, be they good and evil, male and female, or light and dark, become united in what is the final stage of the opus: the "coniunctio." . Women want to receive masculine energy. Their feminine energy wants to experience the unwavering, constant, beacon of masculine energy that their man should embody. Look at Daniel Craig, Ryan Gosling, and Benedict Cumberbatchthey arent particularlyphysicallyattractive, are they? Let them sink in, feel their impact, and let the vibrational energy of the Dark Masculine "pile up" in your psyche. This is what makes a man truly sexywhen he is the cause and not the effect, when he is completely himself and serves as a beacon for others to follow, when he is assertive and active, and when he does not let external reality dictate his internal reality. This consciousness is expressed through a sense of purpose, and the unshakeable knowing of who you truly are, a soul, one with God. The majority of the time you will be participating in exercises and practices. The goal of this process is to integrate all experiences and then return to unity. Let's now examine the expressions of the polar energies that comprise the Tao. This color palette feels masculine, organic, and depth. Light feminine energy is very vulnerable, expressive, and communicative. Masculine energy brings structure to the world in the form of routines, discipline, processes, procedures and even rules. Why? It is 100% focused on accomplishing what it wants, and will do anything to get it. Their energies merge, in a sense, and alignthemselves towards accomplishing a single, greater purpose. I am going to support you to let your most authentic and present masculine qualities shine, the Dark and the Light. She is based in Finland. Ultimately, working with The Cross takes us on a journey of reaching the wholeness of ourselves as Souls liberated from all Karmas. You cannot plan art. Unfortunately, most men dont ever fully embody their Yang. Males have naturally Masculine energy, Females have natural feminine energy. However, this dark masculine energy is often misunderstood as evil or bad. Its an entire way of BEING, a way of living life and interacting with the world in a receptive and intuitive manner. All men should go through a period of true MGTOW in their lives, which is when they go their own way and discover their purpose. There is a big shadow side to this energy and most people associate dominance with that. He is not revengeful. This is why masculine men typically gravitate towards women . I too had the same fears and doubts. This inherent potential is actualized when made conscious, and subsequently harnessed and allowed to manifest through you. These experiences, passed down from generation to generation, accumulated in our bodies, now demand healing.When we move our attention deep inside, we can discover personality structures filled with suppressed anger, a desire to destroy ourselves and the environment. You know how homophobic people are? He is extremely expressive of himself through his body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbals. Iwish to support the group field with the qualities which I have developed as a result of the path I have walked. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow expression as well. After process of spirit descension, evolution starts from unconscious stage, when beings following instincts, fighting for survival, not recognizing their true nature, explore the external matrix and collecting experience. It is no accident that, due to these bans and restrictions, there is a huge, dark underground supporting and serving the deformed, hungry parts of the collective unconsciousness. The two types of male characters that portray different aspects of masculinity are light and dark masculine. They can sense when a man is very grounded and centered in his masculine energy, almost as if they have a sixth sense. The best way to develop masculine energy is to be on your purpose in life as a man. However, there are other types of energy that exist outside of the visible spectrum on both ends. Archetypes serve as a bridge to our wholeness. Long story short, your program completely transformed my life. Master of energetic and emotional domain. The stunted version is not being able to stay present in the experience of strong emotional, sexual, primal energy, needing to escape or getting lost in it. And this is the ONLY time this initiation is offered FULLY LIVE on-line, without any pre-recorded material. Through the polarization and union of the dark infinite Space and luminous Consciousness, the universe is born. Integrate and transform your s. This is not masculine and feminine in the sense of sexuality we understand. Thank you for giving me the proper words to properly clarify what Ive been considering. The overdeveloped version of the Dark Masculine is where there is a lack of presence but there is still penetrative energy, in other words: Abuse of Power. Now, women come up to ME and start talking to ME! Image by 024-657-834. We have a perfect example for you. You can accomplish this by doing deep internal work. How to Actually Be More Confident (Without Relying on Cheap Tricks), 4 Simple Steps to Beat Approach Anxiety (Read This First! Meet wild woman 3. Allow them to shine through your body, heart and soul. Actually true MGTOW is a VERY potent force in the world. It knows exactly what it wants, and it's just DOING it. It receives attention and adoration from the world around it. Dark masculine energy is revealed through the knowing of how to be in charge, how to penetrate the space with presence and be assertive and dominant. Ive seen that a lot while emotional men who are calm, receptive, and intuitive are usually not masculine and are more likely to be gay. Like the lighthouse, it provides a protective aura that revives your strength to keep going. Im also not trying to make women into caricatures of complete drama-queens, unable to ever think logically. From Tantric perspective, the masculine energy is the directive, Boundaries is the Leadership key that tends to be the most challenging for kind hearted spiritual entrepreneurs. It's daring, bold, active, action-prone, expansive, strategic and protective. The green hues of Moss, Olive, and Artichoke bring an organic energy. Have a dark moon ritual 10. ( read my article about surrendering to masculine energy) Feminine energy is an absolutely phenomenal gift - both for women to experience within themselves and for the men and women around them to behold. There is a well known shadow side to this energy and most people associate dominance with that. Either way, the shadow expression leads to distortions of the authentic, clean expression of this archetypical energy. Because everything in the universe connects and permeates, each of us can see all aspects of existence in ourselves. The dark feminine is one-half of the divine feminine energy. Sir, I greatly like your post but you seem here to misinterpret yin and yang. Often hating themselves, feeling guilty of violence and harm done in the past. Doing an intuitive dance alone or with friends can help you to connect with this energy. Dark Masculine Power is ultimately sexy as long as it is anchored in the Heart.Dark masculine is the energy that knows how to be in charge, how to penetrate the space with presence and be assertive and dominant.There is a big shadow side to this energy and most people associate dominance with that. I spent20 years teaching martial arts and meditation. I have been so impacted by the huge difference, I have decided to offer all future in-person Initiations as longer term retreats! Brothers no you dont have to be something in particular, or fit into a specific mold to be a "real man". If you want to know how to turn a girl on, this is the key. The Key to unlocking the healthy Dark Masculine energy is Penetrative Presence. He respects women and honors the sacredness of the feminine because he has touched his own feminine essence and knows it as good. Its the best dating book on the market right now, because it teaches you how to FUNDAMENTALLY become more attractive, without resorting to cheesy gimmicks, pickup lines, and techniques. Identification with the dark side of the power has nothing to do with the original darkness of space. Inhale and exhale. This is an intensive and it's experiential. We are a sick society, broken and divided. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, be sure to leave me a comment down below. Im a lady but reading your article on Masculine energy has been a great help for me and my relationship. This applies to either gender. My kitchen feels too dark/masculine and I want to lighten it up. It's unrestrained, boundless, wild, and sometimes chaotic. - Bruce Lyon. After dropping out of college to pursue my dreams, I started this blog as a way to help other men do the same. Embody and integrate all polarities and quadrants, and know yourself as beyond them and at the core of their source! It is the energy of the sun and the sky. I would like to do a backsplash but don't know what to do so that it doesn't clash with the rest of the kitchen. Fitness. There are binaries that exist in nature. When I joined as a participant in 2019, my main intention for theInitiationinto the Dark & Light Masculinewas that I wanted to bring all my shadows into the light and clear them. This is not a training, this is intended to give you a deep and transformational personal journey. A Brief Introduction to The Cross by Takih, Initiation Into The Dark Masculine by Taki'h, Video Equinox Meditation: The Sacred Union at The Centerby Takih, Cultivating the Dark Masculine and Animal Power in Me by Timo Wiren, Discovering Shadows in My Light Masculine by Timo Wiren, On Men & Women, the Masculine & the Feminineby Takih, Working With The Masculine in Us Allby Takih, Working on The Dark Masculine by Timo Wiren, Drinking Your Cup of Karma Around the Masculine by Takih, I know who I am and I know what I want by Simo Annala, Video: "Spiritual Imposter" by Bruce Lyon, Video: "Healthy Use of Mars" by Bruce Lyon. Whether we are a woman or a man, everyone has both masculine and feminine energy in them. Now lets take a look at some of the signs indicating that either your masculine or feminine energy is imbalanced (note, it is common to have imbalances in BOTH sides, regardless of your gender). a recipe with steps you can follow on how to become a better lover, last longer and drive her crazy! It receives pollen from bees, and allows others to come to it. Likewise all masculine and no feminine would be deadly because theyd be growth but it would be inconsiderate and harmful. The timing of these bonus sessions will depend on the time zones of those on the journey, and they will be recorded and made available for replay on the FB group. Wholeness is defined as "the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity" or "the state of being unbroken or undamaged". Masculine energy is the unrelenting drive to take care of business, no matter the cost. All Rights Reserved. Meet your shadows 11. I am indian light skin color already had an arranged marriage. Again, its because they completely embody masculine energy. Ideally, you will go through the whole journey: the Masculine/ Brotherhood, the Feminine/ Sisterhood, and the Soul-Body union, although each part is complete in itself. You will be given theory, transmissions, and personal sharings for reference. It does not think, but rather, it feels. It does not logically analyze, but rather it uses intuition. As someone who was raised in a household, where my Dad was a total beta male, I was so desperate for a solution. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Totally ignores the existence of same sex relationships. According to tantric wisdom, only existing reality is the Luminosity pervading infinite Space. Dark is not the same as shadow The dark and light manifests in shadow tooactive and passive. Dark Energy Survey Data at the Low Surface Brightness Regime: Diffuse Light in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters. The light is usually sweet and nave, whereas the dark is usually aloof and brooding. Its also why women crave men who know how to be an alpha male, too. These characteristics can be understood through the lens of Yin and Yang, as I said beforeYin is feminine energy, and Yang is masculine energy. The cradle of life.Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. This is also not to say that women are sometimes assertive, direct, or logical; certainly they are at times. Feminine energetics include ease, patience, flow, smooth and understanding. These two paradoxical forces, or energies, as I will refer to them, can also be used to understand the concepts of femininity and masculinity on a spiritual, energetic level. Reconnect with the magic of your sacred cycle 2. It cannot be grasped with the intellect, yet somehow its so simple that a child could intuit it. All workshop days will have 2 sessions of 2.5-3 hours each. However, his predominant energy, will be that of Yang. Our individual work on transforming the inner shadow corresponds to the whole field of collective masculine and feminine. The overview below gives you a deeper insight in the qualities of The Dark & The Light; THE DARK => MATTER Check out our light dark masculine selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. The feedback and life shifts already occurring is beyond what I could have expected, including in the 4 who have done it before. It's how you can cultivate that "vibe," or energy that women intuitively pick up on, and are drawn to like a magnet. Parts that covertly sabotage our lives. The overdeveloped version results in being excessively mindy/ mental, disconnected from the body, sexuality and/ or emotions, unable to manifest or materialize your intentions, passive, rigid and controlling. The Challenge of Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy. Dark masculine aspires to become source of life, trying to create a new existence without feminine aspect. TLDR- My energy was very feminine/light as a young teenager, was very masculine/dark at the end of my teen years, and now I'm trying to achieve a balance with both. True masculine energy completes a woman. From addressing personal wounds and challenging situations, to going through Soul awakening and moving through Soul initiations, to opening up to Life,this is the map! I am offering practical tools that can serve as a bridge deeper into the masculine, and a transmission. Feminine energy is the complete opposite of masculine energy. While the journey is not residential, it is an intensive and should be treated as a complete immersion. They are two sides of the same coin. During the gradual integration of accumulated experience, the process of maturing starts, directing attention to the inside and, as a result, recognition as indivisible Consciousness. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow or stunted expression as well. As it was originally. The world needs the real you! Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow expression as well. Dark masculine is assertive, sharp and clear. The masculine energy is stable and more predictable. Masculinity does not receive, but rather it goes forth. When the Teachers of Light talk about "feminine" or "masculine", they are referring to a set of characteristics and energetics within the creation process, not physical bodies. The Cross is based on theessential polarities of our being(this applies to all humans without exception): Masculine & Feminine, Soul & Body. its essential energy. Masculine energy is the energy of action, movement, direction, and creation. There is nothing to judge. They're meant to compliment one another. This darkness is seen as an abyss of our unconscious, an inner space with which we don't have conscious contact. Yang, or masculine energy, serves as a lighthouse, so to speak, that constantly grounds the tumultuous waves of emotion which feminine energy revels in. Unconscious or repressed emotions. He is activehe acts on his environment, rather than having it act on him. AND it is beyond what I have known to be the impact of the in-person version. Masculine energy on the other hand, which is the assertive, direct, and action-oriented force, is Yang. The goal of this article is to explain masculinity and in a deeper way. In the animist world, everything is Spirit: Breath. In relationships, masculine energy . This is not a mental or conceptual journey, it is embodied! From these come the quadrants: Dark & Light Masculine, and Dark & Light Feminine. If there is one central psychological paradox that flummoxes most humans, it is this: our greatest virtues and our worst flaws are inextricably connected. The dark area is Yin, which represents the expression of the following qualities: Dark, Lunar . Im not trying to make men into caricatures that never feel or use their right-brain. Likewise, when a woman completely embodies her Yin, or her feminine energy, men are very attracted to this. I view them as weaker males, almost predators. This article was very wise and you hit the nail on the head all the way through. In fact, heres some of what youll get with the 7 Strategies program: So, if you want to start getting laid with hotter girls WITHOUT becoming a douchebag, consider checking out the 7 Strategies programtoday. Dark masculine is the energy that knows how to be in charge, how to penetrate the space with presence and be assertive and dominant. Masculine and feminine energy compliment one another; both are two sides of the same coin, and are appropriate in different situations. This energy penetrates matter, whether its in the expression of manifestation on the material plane, sexual potency, or the cutting through the illusion of veils (ie: cut through the bullshit). Antonyms for wholeness are "illness, sickness, unhealthiness, unsoundness". It can be likened to "yin" in Chinese philosophy. A "Dark King" represents a man who is master of his energetic and emotional domain. Heal the feminine wound 8. To embody Yin means to be receptive. In fact, when you start to develop your masculine energy, youll find that women will be drawn to you, like bees to honey. If you are not familiar with your own dark masculine it may be that it is hiding behind the nice guy (or girl because women are also invited to develop their dark masculine). I want to help men develop their masculinity, in all senses of the word. Working with our personal, immature male aspect is crucial for the future of life on this planet. We . Yin and Yang are often used to describe these false dichotomies, such as good/evil or light/dark. Masculine energy is characterized as assertive, dominant, and sometimes violent. The result is a fuller expression of your masculine, who you are as a men, and knowing yourself as a soul. Dark masculine wont hesitate to confront anyone or anything that is threatening vulnerability. Feminine energy is intuitivethis is why women are often much more adept at social communication than men.
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